Terrie Huberman is an intuitive healer and teacher, specializing in guiding individuals with heightened spiritual empathy.

Her focus is on those who grapple with persistent anxiety and overwhelming sensitivity to emotions, and often struggles with indecision, and may perceive themselves as victims of circumstance, rather than creators of their reality.

Many view their sensitivities as a burden rather than a superpower, leading them to engage in overthinking, over analysis, and overworking as coping mechanisms for uncertainty.

My mission is to support them in transforming these challenges into strengths, helping them cultivate emotional resilience, access their intuition, gain control over chaos, and harness the laws of the universe for healing.

Donna helps people all around the world to switch their lights! With over 25 years of energy healing work, exploring many modalities, Donna has found the most powerful and effective techniques for people to heal and evolve.

The work she does with clients today is twofold:

1. She helps people heal from their past and birth family challenges, connect with their intuition, tap into the realms beyond the 3D world and a create life that feels soulful and joyous; and

2. Helps people discover their perfect ‘soulmate stone’, creating soul-sparking, heirloom jewellery that supports them blossom into their full soul potential!

Gina Daniels is a certified intuitive Love, Dating and Empowerment Coach, who has an innate sense of human behavior and an instinctive understanding of relationship dynamics. She is the founder of the Love Attractor program for heart centered women around the world who want to attract in epic lasting love. After suffering heartbreak herself previously, Gina made it her mission to guide other women to success on their love journeys as she is currently celebrating 23 years of marriage to her Soulmate. Gina has a compassionate, loving personality with a warm sense of humor that will bring you comfort and a sense of ease on your love quest.

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